New Look

Ok, I was reading a post on another blog about things that might make a reader not read a blog. Out of the few pet peeves the author of the post listed, I had violated every last one - black background, white letters, followers listed too far down.

So, now I've changed to another template for my blog. What do you think? I hope that all will find this appealing. I know there are other templates out there that are certainly more appealing than those offered by blogger, but I like simplicity. Still having some issues figuring out how to make my linked pages such as home, about me, and contact me, stand out a little more.

Shoot me some comments. Tell me what you think of the new layout.


  1. I don't know who that crazy blogger was but I think it looks wonderful! :) Sometimes simple layouts are the best.


  2. You are the first of my blog award recipient. You can go to my blog to claim it.


  3. It looks great! I love the picture!

  4. Simple is great!
    Now when your friends spot comes back up I'll sign up.

    Giggles and Guns

  5. Thanks all for you comments. I'm glad my new layout meets your approval. Maybe someday I'll have a fancier blog, but for now, bear with me as my little blog grows and refines. I'm new to blogging and am finding it quite enjoyable.


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