Fall Updates
I'll just call this post my fall update. Really though, it is a gardening update along with news of my recent operation to have some bumps removed from my eyelid that was causing some vision problems. A lone pickling cucumber braving the last days of Summer. New crop in: broccoli and collards. Eggplant-the biggest producer of the Summer. A couple of sizable eggplants in the fridge. A forest of tomato. Fried green tomatoes anyone? First, the aquaponics gardening update since this news is better. I just planted my fall crop of broccoli, brussels sprouts, and collards. The two eggplants that completely took over an entire growing bed are now gone, having produced their last eggplant. Also gone are the cilantro and basil. After the new plants were established, I planted some Simpson lettuce from seed. It should take a couple weeks to be ready for transplanting in the system. When the lettuce is ready, I'll start poking it into whatever empt...