Poetry for Better Writing

credit: flocabulary.com There are times when I'm writing that creativity escapes me. Sometimes, only for a moment, other times the dry spell could go on for days. To break this treacherous cycle, I often turn to any number of tricks or exercises to get going again. I might try working on another part of the project at hand, timed writing, free writing, listening to lyrical music or great classical music. Often, what works best for me is writing (or even reading or thinking about) poetry. Poetry is unique to the individual and can be written in any form. Of course, there are conventions and rules for poetry but I've yet to see anyone follow these rules. I've read poetry that doesn't rhyme or poetry that sounds more like a personal accounting that captivated me. I've dabbled in poetry since childhood but never seriously. I've had a poem published but even publication didn't keep me from criticizing it later. I will not be so vain as to imply or exp...