
Showing posts from February, 2016

Sunday Excerpt 8

This is the scene that sets the rest of the story in motion. Alexis is woken up by the bus driver and finds that she is not in Atlanta. "Miss, we're here. You have to get off the bus now." Alexis opened her eyes to see the shadow of a man with his arm extended to her shoulder. She jumped in her seat, nearly shifting on instinct before realizing it was just the bus driver waking her. "Thank you," she stood and sidestepped into the aisle. She looked out the windows as she walked toward the front of the bus. Nothing looked familiar. She had been to the Atlanta bus station a few times before, and remembered it being much busier. She did not see the metro buses lined up in their usual places. The late morning sun bleached the concrete in a seemingly empty lot, and there was no din of traffic, or dark wall of tall buildings. "Excuse me, Sir," Alexis tapped on the driver's shoulder. "Are we in Marietta? I'm paid all the way to Atlanta." T...

Sunday Excerpt 7 - Tatianna

This scene introduces a new character, Tatianna. Tatianna was very briefing mentioned in the first few scenes but that was mere foreshadowing of a character that one may find is much more of a main character than previously thought. Tatianna becomes a driving force for many events throughout the story much like weather becomes a character is some stories. As one might discover in this scene, she is not a normal, mortal human. Rather, she is an Imp, a third-class demon that is normally seen as neither good or evil. imps can be both and like to play tricks on humans like poltergeists. But this Imp is different. Tatianna has a means of gaining strength and knowledge from all creatures -humans and demon alike-and the more she interacts with others, the more her power grows. Enjoy, and don't forget to comment below with your thoughts and criticisms. Alexis felt a presence in the seat next to her and knew who it was before she opened her eyes. A tickle in the back of her mind remi...

Sunday Excerpt 6

I n this scene, Alexis recounts her reasons for hating Leonidas as she leaves her small town on the way to the Greyhound Bus Station in Dalton, Georgia. Alexis looked out the window of the taxi, more to hide her face from the driver, then to look at scenery. She wondered if Leonidas had left a mark on her throat and tried to look at her reflection in the glass. She only saw the North Georgia Medical Center as the taxi sped out of town along Main Street. She turned to look out the left window as they drove past the Gilmer County fairgrounds, her anger and hurt still burning her cheeks. An angry heat rose again in her as she remembered the first time Leonidas had shown his true nature. She was just eight years old and at the apple festival with her parents. She remembered it as a time when everything was true and innocent, a time when she still enjoyed her secret identity, and felt like she was a kind of superhero, hiding her powers from the normal, unassuming humans. That was, until ...

Sunday Excerpt 5

T his scene provides more insight into Leonidas. Although Leo is not a main character for most of the story, he is the driving force (at in part) behind Lexi's decision to run rather than accept the fate that's been decided for her. Enjoy, and comment below. His father offered no help to his problem with Alexis and, as sick as he was, probably wasn’t thinking straight. Leonidas stomped around his room while putting a few clothes and toiletries in his overnight bag. He could not stop thinking about his father, lecturing him about compassion and humility. How dare he speak of things he displayed no awareness of. His face began to flush and he tossed articles into his bag violently as his thoughts turned, as they always did, to his own mother. His mother died when he was very young in a car accident. Even with the supernatural healing abilities she possessed, her injuries were too great. She could not recover and succumbed to a massive head injury. At least this is what Leonida...