Sunday Excerpt 20
Lexi woke early the next morning,
despite falling into her lumpy bed just hours before. She spent the day walking
a short distance along South Boulevard, visiting thrift stores, and buying some
great retro clothes with her tip money from the night before. Throughout the
day, her thoughts wandered incessantly back to the mystery man that showed up in
the alleyway. On the one hand, she despised his flagrant chauvinism. He
probably thought it was his place to save the defenseless damsel in distress.
He probably even thought he was doing her a favor. On the other hand, he did
get Lefty away from her, in a sense, saving Lefty, but he would never know
that. But there was something deeper about him that intrigued her. Even in
their brief meeting, she knew what kept him on her mind. His intense look held
her, for that moment, like a deer frozen in the headlights of an oncoming car.
She felt a power in his dark eyes she'd
only felt in the presence of her Grandfather. Not the kind of power commonly
abused but a power he wielded with care and skill—a power hidden from the
world. But he could not hide the power from her. Each time Alexis caught
herself falling into thoughts of the man, she'd rummage through another rack of
clothes, faster than before. She caught herself physically shaking at times, as
if shedding him from her memory. She would probably never see him again,
especially if he saw her first. The way she treated him the night before, he
would likely run the other way and tell his friends to stay away from that mean
bitch. Nonetheless, she felt a pull from him. Maybe just an intriguing tug but
it was there, and it was undeniable.
By four in the afternoon, Alexis
finally settled on a hamburger from a local fast food place before walking back
into the dark cavern of the Pink Pony bar and grill. With last night's mystery
man safely pushed into the back of her mind, like a pair of old shoes, shoved
to the back of the closet, she decided to get an early start at the bar.
Sam was the only one in the bar,
running glasses up and down on a scrubber before patting each one dry with a
towel, and placing them in a straight row on the counter top. Sam looked up at
her as she sat on a bar stool, the slightest hint of a scowl on his face.
"You're here early." He
plunged another glass over the brush in the sink, not looking up at her.
"Not much to do here."
Sam huffed at her terse response but
said nothing. He looked at her now, standing motionless, staring into her eyes
with that scowl on his face. The silence became unbearable, and she was about
to turn and walk away when he finally broke the silence.
"I had a talk with Becky last
"Yeah, about what?" she
asked, although she had a good idea what they talked about.
"Seems you had a little run-in
with Lefty last night."
"He followed me into the alley,
but it was nothing I couldn't handle." Alexis tried to say as little as
possible, although she didn't know why. Sam probably already knew everything
there was to know.
"Becky told me Frost showed up and
took him away."
"Yeah," she said. "But I
still could've taken care of it myself."
"I don't doubt that,
Paulina," Sam made Alexis do a mental double-take with his use of her fake
name. "You just have to be careful. You gotta be careful with the
customers... and Frost." He fell silent for a moment, running another
couple tumblers through the wash before speaking again. "I know you have
to defend your... your, honor against the kind of customers I get in here, but
I don't want you driving them away either. You know what I mean?"
"Yes, I think I do." Alexis
felt her face heat up as anger grew within her, her blood rising to a low simmer.
"You want me to be nice to the thug customers, allowing them to run their
eyes and greasy hands all over me, maybe even allow them to think I'm some kind
of slut, while I gently and discreetly pull their hands off me. Am I right so
Sam stood motionless for a moment.
Alexis could nearly hear the gears turning as he likely tried to form some
reasonable response.
"Something like that," Sam
said, his voice already betraying his earlier conviction. "I mean, not the
slut part though."
"So, you're telling me I should
let these thug customers have their way until my virtue and morals take a back
seat to your profits?"
"No, Paulina. It's not like
that," He pleaded. "I would never ask you to sacrifice anything for
my customers."
"Then what, exactly, do you want
from me?"
"I don't know," he said.
"I'm just under a lot of pressure here. I wanted this to be a good safe
bar, but these people have kind of got me by the balls. They all report to
their boss, and he's a powerful man around here. He could shut down my bar
tomorrow or burn it to the ground if he wanted, leaving me with nothing."
"Can't you just go to the
"He owns the police. At least most
of the police on the south side. And then when I hear Frost showed up last
night, it only makes matters worse."
Alexis wanted to ask him why he was
against someone like Frost helping him get rid of his thug problem but early
customers were filtering into the bar. One after another, customers slowly
filled the tables, raising their hands and demanding drinks. It was a Friday
night, and she assumed it would be busier than the night before, maybe even the
busiest night of the week.
By ten o'clock, the bar was packed,
nearly every table full. Customers near the stage reached forward to shove
dollar bills into Becky's string bikini as she writhed up and down the dirty
brass pole to tinny-sounding rock songs. A big barrel-chested man with curly
red hair and an entourage of at least four equally barrel-chested men came
through the door. Alexis watched as an entire table of customers quickly got up
from their seats near the stage when the man and his group approached. They
promptly took the other customer's seats. She gathered up a few empty glasses
from the table as quickly as she could, and moved toward the bar, anxious to
ask Sam about the new customers.
"Who's that guy," she said as
she gave him the tray of empty glasses.
"That's the man I told you about
earlier." Sam glanced past her to the table. "His name is Norman
Taylor, but I'm sure he'd prefer you call him Mister Knuckles. He's the reason
we all walk on eggshells around here."
"If he's so tough, why does he
need all the bodyguards?"
"I'm sure he doesn't need them but
he—" Sam stopped in mid sentence, looking to the front door. "Oh
shit, this is not going to be good."
Alexis turned and saw the man from the
night before, Frost, walking into the bar and looking directly at Knuckles.
The lights from the neon
sign outside streamed through the door around him, making a halo around his
entire body. His big brown bald head reflected the pink hues making his dark
skin appear even darker. He was tall and thin but muscular, in a tight sinewy
sort of way. He seemed to ooze confidence, strength, and raw sexual prowess
from everywhere. Not that she had any experience with sexual prowess but she
knew it when she saw it. She suddenly snapped out of her daze, conscious that
she might actually be drooling, and turned to pick up her drinks as a
distraction. Sam smiled at her but she pretended like she hadn't noticed. She
quickly grabbed the notepad and pencil from her pocket, making a beeline to the
table with the man Sam called "Knuckles".
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